Friday, February 25, 2005

The True Meaning of Cleavage (8 out of 10)

The True Meaning of Cleavage by Mariah Fredricks

This young adult novel tells the story of two friends and how their friendship is tested by one’s secretive and destructive relationship with a popular boy at their school. The teens and the social structure portrayed here are extremely realistic. The book gives enough racy details to be interesting to most teens and highlights the dangers of adolescent sexuality. I read this book based on my 14 year old daughter’s recommendation and it made for an interesting discussion.

Originality- 7
Characterization- 9
Themes- 8


At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I read this book and man i thought it was good! I mean if you are an adult or a teen you would enjoy this author: Sarah Dessen, she has wrote about five or six books, i have read most of them. They have similar taste compared to this book!


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