Monday, March 14, 2005

What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sony Sones (7 out of 10)

Once again I found my self looking for something in print to read and ended up reading my daughter's YA book. Both of my daughters (ages14 and 11) read this book rather fast so I was a little curious about what was so compelling. What My Mother Doesn't Know tells the story of a young high school student who is artistic and boy crazy. The book is written in a poetry format and is extremly quick to read. The character discovers some things that many adults are still trying to figure out about love. It was a little racier than what I would prefer my eleven year old reading but not worse than what she probably sees on TV.

Originality 8

Characters- 6

Themes- 7


At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should check out Mirror II the Soul, by Deborah Pujoue it was excellent as far as the story goes.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read Mirror II the Soul as well. I bought it from a book signing that she was at. I loved that book. THe story was awsome!!!


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