Friday, February 25, 2005

The True Meaning of Cleavage (8 out of 10)

The True Meaning of Cleavage by Mariah Fredricks

This young adult novel tells the story of two friends and how their friendship is tested by one’s secretive and destructive relationship with a popular boy at their school. The teens and the social structure portrayed here are extremely realistic. The book gives enough racy details to be interesting to most teens and highlights the dangers of adolescent sexuality. I read this book based on my 14 year old daughter’s recommendation and it made for an interesting discussion.

Originality- 7
Characterization- 9
Themes- 8

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Good Grief by Lolly Winston

Good Grief by Lolly Winston

Sophie Stanton is a newlywed widow. She is not dealing well with the death of her husband. Her take on the grieving process is told in a humorous and touching style. Although the story ends in a happy manner it has enough bumps in the road to make it fairly unpredictable. The theme of the story seems to be finding your strength.


Characterization -7


The Eyre Affair: A Novel by Jasper Fford

The Eyre Affair: A Novel by Jasper Fford

This book is best described by comparing it to other books. It has certain elements from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Harry Potter. It contains a plethora of literary references, so if you like in jokes, you’ll enjoy this book. The story is set in an alternate England of 1985 where time travel and other seemingly unlikely technologies are possible. The character, Tuesday Next works for the government’s Special Operations’ Literary Division. Her maverick style of solving cases leads to high adventure. A fun book that presents no serious discussion of the human condition.

Originality- 7

